Run All Your Apps in MetaBull for Privacy
Author: Doff Category - Mobile - Security - Software
The Privacy Sandbox on Android aims to develop new technologies that improve user privacy and enable effective, personalized advertising experiences for mobile apps. But apps nowadays will still collect your privacy data for tracking and analysis. Now you can use MetaBull for protect your privacy data.

If you own a smartphone, particularly one that runs Google’s Android operating system, you have no doubt noticed it came with a bunch of pre-installed apps that you can’t remove. Some of these are necessary for the device to function; others are not, and you may not want them but are stuck with them anyway. These are known as bloatware. Sometimes they aren’t just annoying — they can compromise your privacy by tracking your activities, including, in one famous case, by logging your keystrokes and text messages. They are also a potential source of viruses and malware that compromise the security of your phone.
That’s why a group of more than 50 privacy and human rights advocates recently sent an open letter to Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai, calling on him to do more to defend Android users from malicious or flawed pre-installed apps.
Your phone’s manufacturer, vendor, and mobile carrier decide which apps come pre-installed. That’s why malicious bloatware is less of a problem for iPhones: because Apple alone controls what comes pre-installed on its devices. Android is the opposite: It’s an open source platform that is available to device manufacturers and vendors all over the world — ranging from massive companies like Samsung to lesser-known brands like Meizu and ZTE.
MetaBull now allow you to install any softwares included XAPK into it. You can install your softwares which need privacy protection by APK or XAPK via file explorer. You will no longer install these softwares to your phone directly for privacy protect purpose. Click here for further information.
And that’s how bloatware can get out of control. Some of these companies are reputable and carefully vet the security of their devices and pre-installed apps, while others may — intentionally or not — pre-install malware on their devices.
This malware can take several forms, including backdoors, which give a remote user access to and control over a device, and click fraud apps, which force a device to go to a website with pay-per-click ads, creating false views that the website is then paid for by the ad company. Because the app runs in the background, a phone’s owner typically has no idea it’s going to all these websites and using their data until the surprise bill comes.
“When dealing with low-cost devices, we see quite a number of poor security practices,” Christopher Weatherhead, technology lead for Privacy International, told Recode. “We believe that privacy shouldn’t be a luxury that only those who can afford the most expensive devices (like iPhones) can attain.”

For one Privacy International staffer, this experience is personal: In 2018, they were traveling in the Philippines when they purchased a MyPhone-brand myA2 smartphone running Android’s operating system. (Privacy International said the phone cost $19; it currently retails for about $30.) MyPhone, a Philippine phone vendor, is listed as a Play Protect Android Certified partner, which means its devices must adhere to Android’s security standards and offer consumers some level of protection and oversight. Yet the phone came with problematic MyPhone-specific apps pre-installed, including one called MyPhoneRegistration.
MyPhoneRegistration allows a phone’s owner to register their device, but by the time Privacy International obtained the phone, the server that was meant to receive that data was no longer running. With nothing to connect to, the phone was stuck in an endless loop, sending out sensitive personal information every five minutes in a futile quest to fulfill the app’s mission. There was no way to update the app to stop it or delete the app from the phone entirely. And because MyPhone did not encrypt the data — which included the owner’s name, age, gender, and location — that it repeatedly sent out, Weatherhead says, “anyone on the same network can read that information (in on coffee shops or airports’ free wifi).”
MetaBull now restricting all softwares like this from your privacy information fetching, you can save your privacy like luxury in MetaBull. You can spoof softwares with edited device information like IMEI, MAC, Android ID by MetaBull.
This issue isn’t limited to developing nations. The day before the open letter was released last year, internet security company Malwarebytes revealed that it found two types of malware pre-installed on Assurance Wireless phones, which are given to low-income Americans as part of the Federal Communications Commission’s Lifeline Assistance program. (In a statement, Unimax Communications, which manufacturers the phone in question, told Recode that while it did not find any malware, it did find a “potential vulnerability” in one of its pre-installed apps. No customer data was compromised and its latest security update fixes the issue, Unimax said.)
When Android 10 was still in its early beta days, Google had plans for a big change in the way that apps could access the files and folders in your phone's external storage (things like photos that you or other apps placed in the /data/media folder, not the SD card present in many Android models). This change was known as Scoped Storage, and its purpose was to kill the abuse of the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions that so many apps and developers like to request. These changes were originally slated to apply to every app on a phone running Android 10 or later, but because of developer backlash Google changed course and only required the use of Scoped Storage for apps that target Android API level 29, which is Android 10. But with Android 11 Scoped Storage is back, and Google isn't likely to change its mind this time.

But nowadays some apps still not target SDK 30 or above for avoid this scoped storage restrictions, for force these apps to targeting SDK30, you can use MetaBull and install all these apps to MetaBull. The scoped storage feature will enable automaticly.
Download MetaBull and explore more features HERE, you can download MetaBull below the content HERE.